Thursday, July 28, 2011

Colored tomatoes

Since last weekend, two of four of the unknown tomatoes have shown their colors. And (knock on wood), I seem to have a red and an orange. I'm super excited about the orange which are usually sweeter, but I have to wait until it softens to make sure it stays this color. And it means that there was some success from my attempt to propogate the farmers market tomatoes from November/December which is exciting. Also thrown in for fun, the lemon sprouts I've got from seeds of my friend's (former) kickass tree. There are 5 that look viable, but I really just need 2 - one for me and one for the people who's lemons started this whole thing.(You can find the green tomato pics a few posts down.)


  1. I meant my (current) friends' (former) tree. They moved away from the property that had the best lemon tree ever, hence my efforts to try to see if I could figure out a way for them to take it with them (and if there's extra for me to have some, even better). =)

  2. We're just starting to get some tomatoes ripening - looks like some cherry tomatoes are turning. We are going to have a bazillion tomatoes once things get going. Our plants have turned our garden into a tomato forest! Haven't tried to grow orange ones (or other heirloom-type) before.
