Monday, August 10, 2009

Best summer salad

This is a simplification of a recipe I fell in love with about 5 years ago at a family reunion at a cabin looking over a lake in the midwest. It was reborn a few weeks ago at a family event in San Francisco. But location is not important, the key to this is ripe tomatoes.

  • Slice fresh, ripe tomatoes (for fancy presentation, use large, sliced tomatoes and arrange on a platter, sprinkling everything else over the top - I use cherry tomatoes because that's what I grow in my yard)
  • Add corn cut fresh off the cob (previously boiled)
  • Add chopped, fresh thyme
  • Drizzle with balsamic vinegar
  • Add salt/pepper
Enjoy! If you want to make it heartier, try adding one of the following: crumbled feta, crumbled tofu, crumbled whites from hard boiled eggs
WARNING: Do not even consider making this if you don't have good tomatoes and fresh corn.

1 comment:

  1. location is so important. and so is homegrown tomatoes.
