Dogs are just goofy. My dogs at least. We had a particularly rainy few days, so the ground was wet. I look over to find my dog, like the Queen of
Sheeba, sprawled out on top of the mound of railroad ties (which will be turned into a retaining wall someday).

My previous dog was cat-like in that he had a knack for lying down precisely on top of whatever you had just set down so he could be right in the middle of things. He'd saunter over and lie down on the drop-cloth I was in the process of spreading out when I was painting, on top of the torn up carpet when the back room was being remodeled, and then there was my favorite... he sat down on the quilt top I had just finished making while I stepped away from ironing it. Almost took down the ironing board (complete with hot iron) or ripped the quilt top. To quote my loved one, that dog was "a pisser." It was a good thing I was so fond of him.

I actually caught both of them on the carpet pad before that project was finished, so apparently that does make a good dog bed. I'd recommend it if you are crafting a dog bed (something I bought fabric for years ago but haven't done yet... suppose I should put that back on the lengthy sewing to-do list).
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