Monday, October 18, 2010

Mutants rule!

That was the subject line of an email I got a few weeks ago, and inside was the first ever submission of a mutant carrot from a dear friend who grew it in her garden in Minnesota. It sure is something else. In an effort to be fair and balanced, I should report that all her other carrots were normal looking.

Meanwhile, my carrots are microscopic and part of this mess of a vegetable bed. There's peas and bok choy everywhere. Some cherry tomatoes peeking out. Hopefully the beets and carrots and edamame will not feel too crowded and will survive and prosper. And I'm still thinking about cooking and compulsively looking through cookbooks. I've just set upon a goal of making all the autumn recipes from Fresh Food Fast by Peter Berley. Hoping to do it by the end of the year, but work keeps me quite busy and augments my laziness, so maybe it's a soft deadline. I'll post soon hopefully as I get started. He's got a butternut squash recipe that might just have to be the first project.

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