An acquaintance introduced me to a group called Insulindependence, which is geared toward encouraging and supporting people with diabetes to explore, exercise, and have adventures. The folks at the Ironman were with the Triabetes part of the organization, a group of athletes with diabetes who do triathalons. So I went down to AZ in November to help out. What an amazing experience.
Activities started with the premiere of a documentary (link to trailer) that followed Triabetes athletes training for and competing in the 2008 Wisconsin Ironman. Between that, the artsy short film Extension (link to video), and the kids with diabetes who spoke about their experiences, it was a very heart warming event.
Watching them exercise for up to 17 hours made me decide to step up my running a bit and stretch from the 1/2 marathons I do at least once a year and try a full marathon. So in 2010 I will move to the 26.2 mile club. The Insulindependence organization's logo has 3 words: inspire, educate, explore. Well, they definitely succeeded in inspiring and educating me when I spent a weekend with the amazing people who are part of the organization.
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