Tess's was having design contests back when they were a young company (yarn sells better when it's shown in samples and with patterns). I bought some gorgeous cultivated silk/wool blend and intended to design something (that was back in my serious phase). I didn't, but did make a lovely tank from that same issue of VK in 99 (my aunt made me yet another from that issue). I don't wear it because it's too short, but when I was rifling through yarn this afternoon I found 1 full ball plus part of another! Just this morning I was counseling a friend who had been asked to make a scarf longer and talking about how many options she has. My knitting to-do list just got longer, but it's a beautiful yarn and top and it will be great to start wearing it! Extra points for being an upcycling project. =)
As time passed, I did eventually make something sexy and I did design a few items myself. Nothing contest worthy, but the sexy a super soft, lacy white lingerie top that was appreciated by the bride-to-be. And I stopped falling for every knitted garment shown with a bikini, and started laughing at them. Check out this long-sleeve wool sweater (shown worn on top of a bikini-clad model of course!).
Boy, I'm proud to be "the boss" who taught you :). By the way, I just knit a cape out of that Tess silk/wool that we bought way back when. I had 4 hanks of it in my stash. Boy it was BUTTER to knit with.